

Mad Science Blogging

The Double-Headed Model of Obesity

A control system is a mechanism — mechanical, biological, or otherwise — that forces a measure towards a reference. One example is a thermostat. You set the desired temperature of your house to 73 degrees Fahrenheit, and the thermostat springs into action, to get its reading to 73 °F or die trying. The usual assumption…

Links for April 2024

“I would like to thank the Idaho Potato Commission for assembling a categorized database of 1,700 potato recipes from around the world. I consult it frequently and it has become my favorite potato resource.” And here it is. While Lucas M. Miller was serving in Congress, he proposed a Constitutional amendment to change the country’s…

Philosophical Transactions: JV on Explorations of Isotonic Brine Space

Previous Philosophical Transactions: JV is a reader and intrepid high-dimensional pioneer who wrote us with some thoughts and comments on the exploration of brinespace. His email is reproduced below, lightly edited for clarity and to help preserve anonymity, but otherwise the same as we received it. Hello Slimes I’m a long time reader of your…

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